Contribution Details
The yellowing/bleaching of oil paintings and oil paint samples, including the effect of oil processing, driers and mediums on the colour of lead white paint
Leslie Carlyle
Nancy Binnie, Elzbieta Kaminska, Anne Ruggles
Paintings 1: Conservation and Restoration
linseed oil, yellowing, bleaching, driers, lead acetate, litharge, lead white, copal, megilp, mediums
2002 Rio de Janeiro
ICOM Committee for Conservation 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro 20-27 September 2002
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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Leslie Carlyle; Nancy Binnie, Elzbieta Kaminska, Anne Ruggles. The yellowing/bleaching of oil paintings and oil paint samples, including the effect of oil processing, driers and mediums on the colour of lead white paint. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro 20-27 September 2002, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-902916-30-1