Contribution Details
Restoration of the mural painting from Agapia Monastery, Neamt County: Nicolae Grigorescu and the oil painting techniques employed on the mural painting
Mihai Lupu
Georghe Patrascu
Not assigned
1999 Lyon
ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August - 3 September 1999
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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Mihai Lupu; Georghe Patrascu. Restoration of the mural painting from Agapia Monastery, Neamt County: Nicolae Grigorescu and the oil painting techniques employed on the mural painting. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August - 3 September 1999, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-92-3