Contribution Details
The application of UV lasers in the field of stone conservation: an overview of the current research work on stone cleaning at the Laserzentrum Fachhochschule Miinster, Germany
F. Fekrsanati
J. Hildenhagen, S.Nolleke, K. Dickmann, V. Zafiropulos
Not assigned
1999 Lyon
ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August - 3 September 1999
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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F. Fekrsanati; J. Hildenhagen, S.Nolleke, K. Dickmann, V. Zafiropulos. The application of UV lasers in the field of stone conservation: an overview of the current research work on stone cleaning at the Laserzentrum Fachhochschule Miinster, Germany. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August - 3 September 1999, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-92-3