Contribution Details
Examining Albert Pinkham Ryder's Preparatory Sketch and Compositional Changes by Neutron Induced Autoradiography
Ingrid C. Alexander
Jacqueline S. Olin
Scientific Examination of Works of Art
Autoradiography, Nineteenth Century Painting, Brushstroke, Painting Technique, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Changes
1990 Dresden
ICOM Committee for Conservation 9th Triennial Meeting Dresden German Democratic Republic 26-31 August 1990
ICOM Committee for Conservation
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Ingrid C. Alexander; Jacqueline S. Olin. Examining Albert Pinkham Ryder's Preparatory Sketch and Compositional Changes by Neutron Induced Autoradiography. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 9th Triennial Meeting Dresden German Democratic Republic 26-31 August 1990, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 0-89236-185-9
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