Contribution Details
Les aristotypes, Jere partie: technologie, conservation et analyse au M.E.T des premiers papiers photographiques industriels a emulsion
Bertrand Lavedrine
Françoise Flieder
Photographic Records
Aristotypes, P .0. P, analyse au M.E.T de l'image argentique
1990 Dresden
ICOM Committee for Conservation 9th Triennial Meeting Dresden German Democratic Republic 26-31 August 1990
ICOM Committee for Conservation
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Bertrand Lavedrine; Françoise Flieder. Les aristotypes, Jere partie: technologie, conservation et analyse au M.E.T des premiers papiers photographiques industriels a emulsion. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 9th Triennial Meeting Dresden German Democratic Republic 26-31 August 1990, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 0-89236-185-9