Contribution Details
Kinetics of Cellulose Fiber Degradation and Correlation with Some Tensile Properties to·Plan Consolidation or Lining Interventions
Giovanna C. Scicolone
Elena Rossi, Antonio Sardella, Alberto Seves, Giovanni Testa
Paintings I: Conservation and restoration of paintings
Flexible supports, linen, cotton, kinetics of cellulose degradation, tensile properties, consolidation, lining
1996 Edinburgh
ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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Giovanna C. Scicolone; Elena Rossi, Antonio Sardella, Alberto Seves, Giovanni Testa. Kinetics of Cellulose Fiber Degradation and Correlation with Some Tensile Properties to·Plan Consolidation or Lining Interventions. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-50-8