ICOM-CC Publications Online

Contribution Details

  • Our Lady of Delivery: Restoration of a tella encolada Sculpture
  • Gilca Flores de Medeiros
  • -
  • Polychrome sculpture
  • Paper
  • Brazil, sculpture, image, Minas Gerais, fabric shaped, Our Lady of Delivery, restoration, support, fabrics, tella encolada
  • English
  • 1996 Edinburgh
  • ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996
  • 1-873936-50-8
  • James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd

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Gilca Flores de Medeiros; . Our Lady of Delivery: Restoration of a tella encolada Sculpture. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-50-8

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