Contribution Details
Mass Spectrometric Studies on the Degree of Ageing of Dammar and Mastic Varnishes Sampled from Easel Paintings in Museum Collections
Gisela A. van der Doelen
Not assigned
1996 Edinburgh
ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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Gisela A. van der Doelen; . Mass Spectrometric Studies on the Degree of Ageing of Dammar and Mastic Varnishes Sampled from Easel Paintings in Museum Collections. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-50-8