Contribution Details
Analyses de pigments blancs appliquées à l'étude chronologique des peintures de chevalet - blanc de titane
C. Coupry
J. Le Maree, J Corset
Lasir, MC Papillon, R. Lefèvre, A. Duval, Ch Lahanier, JP Rioux
Scientific Examination of Works of Art
1987 Sydney
ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting Sydney Australia 6-11 September 1987
Getty Conservation Institute
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C. Coupry; J. Le Maree, J Corset
Lasir, MC Papillon, R. Lefèvre, A. Duval, Ch Lahanier, JP Rioux. Analyses de pigments blancs appliquées à l'étude chronologique des peintures de chevalet - blanc de titane. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting Sydney Australia 6-11 September 1987, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 0-89236-094-1
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